What you will NEED for Fingerprinting to be
successfully completed by us:
You MUST have a Request for Live Scan Fingerprinting Services Form – this is provided to you by the
requesting agency along with any instructions,
since different forms are used for each agency.
A VALID (non-expired) government-issued photo ID Card (e.g. DMV Driver’s License or ID, Passport, Military
ID Card, Alien Registration Card/Green
Card Photo ID Card). Please Note: Expired ID information cannot be accepted.
What you should know concerning Live Scan
A Social Security Card is not normally required in most cases. If unsure, please check with your employment
or licensing agency.
Total Live Scan is not allowed to assist applicants in filling out their Request for Live Scan
Service form. The California Department of Justice rules forbid us from assisting you on your application. In addition, if your information is incomplete or you have a question, we must refer
you back to your employment or licensing agency.
- The live scan fingerprint requesting agencies need to make sure Agency Name, Agency Address, Agency Telephone Number, Agency
Contact Person on the application is the same as that which is registered with the Department of Justice. If there is a change, please notify the Department of Justice as this could cause a rejection
letter for each applicant that has the old information.
- Every live scan fingerprint requesting agency has a CORI person who is assigned to receive the response from Department of
Justice (DOJ) / FBI. If this person changes, you need to advise Department of Justice and see if the new CORI person needs to have a Live Scan Fingerprint submission for a background fingerprint
check. Make sure that the level of service (DOJ / FBI) is clearly indicated on the applicant live scan request form.
- If no level of service is marked, we can only choose DOJ. Some of the levels are automatically chosen by the Live Scan
programming system, which depends on the type of submitted application. If your agency has an option of FBI and you wish to receive this response, please indicate this option on the applicant live
scan fingerprint request form.
- Not every agency has the FBI search option; so don't request a particular level until you are sure it is available to your
agency, organization, business, employer, school, day care center or assisted care facility. If you are unsure, please check with your California Department of Justice
- Make sure that you enter the correct ORI number on the applicant live scan request form. If your agency has more that one ORI
assigned, please use the ORI that pertains to you as an applicant. If your agency has a billing number assigned by DOJ, make sure that it is correct.
- This prevents DOJ from billing the wrong agency. If you have an email code (number) assigned by DOJ, please use it. Important: What you fill in the applicant live scan request form
dictates your total fees for DOJ, FBI. So, please be sure to mark the right choices.
Fingerprints are rejected by the Department of Justice on occasion for several reasons. The most
common reasons are the applicant’s fingerprints have characteristics that are difficult to capture in the live scan process. This would include items such as cuts, scars and calluses. If an applicant
has fingerprints rejected on this basis, and they were originally scanned by Total Live Scan, we will rescan and resubmit your fingerprints at no additional charge. If they were not
originally submitted by Total Live Scan, you will be responsible for the processing fees.
Please note that correcting information on the form is not a resubmission, nor is being
fingerprinted for another employment or licensing agency.
To be processed in California you must be physically present in California – you must not be
outside the state. Total Live Scan’s services are not available for individuals needing Live Scan fingerprinting for other states.